Sunday, June 24, 2012

A 5-Hour Tour

I was down at the lake today from 2:30 'til 7:30.

Erik came down from New Hampshire (everyone else was busy), and we had hot dogs, steak tips, and beer. I had a growler of Opa-Opa IPA (a favorite for awhile now), and Erik gave me a bottle of Southern Tier Porter to try. It wasn't half bad. I spent an hour floating in the middle of the lake with a beer; I read some of "Eldest"; and basically I just enjoyed the best weather of last week and next (sunny, 80 and dry) for a few hours in one of the best places on earth...

It's About (Lake) Time!

I am headed down to the lake today for the first time in 2012. Unbelievable! Most years I get down there at least once in early spring, or by May at the latest. This year I've either been busy with work or my days off have been un-lake-like.

Today is supposed to be sunny, dry and 80 or so. I'll have a jug of Opa-Opa IPA, my iPod nano, a book, and whichever friends show up to hang out. Sweet.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Royal Treatment

I got my Kickstarter package from the amazing Natalie Royal this week! Not only did I receive an autographed copy of the physical cd for her new album "Savor", but I also got an exclusive numbered (#14 of 19) EP of seven songs, and a personalized haiku!

Coffee drinker Ken.
Wish I were in New England
for his festival!

These Kickstarter projects are always worth supporting. Sure, you might pay a bit more than you normally would for a typical cd, but the bonuses (not to mention the satisfaction of helping great musicians realize their dreams) are always worth the extra bucks! Thanks again Natalie, and may the rest of 2012 be good to you...

So Far, Not A Fan

I tried a new IPA, from Boulevard Brewing Company of Kansas City, Missouri. Their Double Wide IPA was sub-par. However, as there are four bottles in the package, I will give it one more shot, though I am not enthused...