Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve

I wasn't feeling it, so I stayed in. I have next weekend off, so I will 'get out & about' then instead.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snow Day

Eight inches of snow fell last night. This means I don't have to go into work!


Saturday, December 29, 2012


I had my first Saturday off in two months today.

I got up at nine, had cereal and coffee for breakfast, and then watched "Lords of Dogtown" (great movie). I RSVP'ed to Mike's NYE party ('most likely will attend'). I jumped online for a bit, and then was showered & out the door a little after 11 am to run some errands.

I drove to the Westminster post office to buy stamps and mail four t-shirts from last summer's WPMF III to the very patient winners of the blog sign-up. I stopped in at Dad & Ma's to pick up the three bags of whole bean Sumatran coffee they got me for Christmas (shipping delay), plus my gift from the California Crew (J & Stacie & kids), a $25 GC from AMEX. I went to the Leominster Barnes & Noble to snag two blank journals (my last one is neary full). And then I foodshopped.

We are supposed to get a lot of snow overnight, so I am ready in every way I can think of. And so is he (my cat Sabrino)!

I finished reading "Ozma of Oz" and then watched the newer "Clash of the Titans" (not bad). Then I ran out to get gas and to buy booze for Mike's party. There were already 3 inches of snow on the ground! I wound up getting a bottle of Appleton Estate V/X and a 2010 Malbec from Dona Paula Estate.

I made angel hair & ground beef covered in Ragu (and accompanied it with half of a Redhook ESB), and then read "Dorothy and The Wizard in Oz". Then it was a bored websurf for awhile. There were 6 inches of snow on the ground by 9 pm, and it is still falling...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Eve

Last night while my family was having dinner at my parents' house we all went outside to see the full moon with an amazing halo around it. My photo does not do it justice:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


The incomparable Mister Ween (still going unbelieveably strong at 17)!:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Under the Weather

I got up today, all set to go to work, but then my stomach continued to rebel, so I called out (I left early yesterday for the same reason). With a minimum of physical stress I plan on making the most of the day within the walls of my small apartment. Stuff to follow...

Update: Things I got done:
  • A sink full of dishes.
  • A conference call for work.
  • Misc. clutter clean-up.
  • Took out the trash.