Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Random Bits of Music Business

Here are some music-related happenings in my world (over the last few days):
  • I sent WPMF3 invites to Boston legend Sarah Blacker and local pop-country chanteuse Whitney Doucet. Also, Almanac Mountain confirmed, and I am waiting for final decisions from The Rafters and Kristin Cifelli.
  • I received my Kickstarter reward from Robin Rutenberg & Friends - the EP I helped to finance with my $35 donation, plus a whole lot more (see photo below - how cool a package o'stuff is that?).
  • I just snagged two tickets to see The Wedding Present at Brighton Music Hall on Friday March 23rd.
2012 is going to be a year FULL of live performances!

    1 comment:

    1. As it happens on occasion, by the time a concert rolls around after having bought tickets for it months in advance, I find myself unenthused for a drive into Boston on my day off to see this show, The Wedding Present. So they got my money, but not my presence, and that's okay...
