Saturday, January 19, 2013

Some Beer, No Boat

I went into Boston last night after work. I got to TOAD at 6:30 or so, and had two pints of Slumbrew's Porter Square Porter (great stuff), one alone, and one with Jay when he arrived around 7:30. When Gavin arrived we headed over to Tavern in the Square for dinner. I had some amazing fried calamari (with an Asian remoulade, whatever that is) and the small-portioned but good fish and chips. Our beautiful waitress Kristen was perfection on two legs: a Cameron Diaz facsimile with a much better smile, sparkling eyes and softer edges - hubba hubba! Jay left at the end of the meal, and Gavin & I took a cab to the Quincy Market area to meet Brian at the underwhelming Goody Glover's. Brian and his friend Erin arrived around 11:30 and Gavin stuck around long enough for two more beers (the decidedly average Sam Adams Boston Lager, unfortunately the best beer they had on tap). Gavin took off at around 1 am, the rest of us hung out 'til 1:30, a cab brought us to Brain's car, and then Brian dropped me at Alewife. A nice drive, and I was home at 3 am, very glad for having been out & about with the guys.
It was a great night. I got to see three of my best friends, with some overlap; I got to try a great new beer; and I got to spend time in the city on a cold clear winter night.

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