Thursday, February 21, 2013

9 Days - SIX

I woke up at 9:30 (another great night's sleep), threw on some clothes, and went down to Mocha Mott's for the third time in three days for a large coffee, and another sausage, egg & cheese on a plain bagel for breakfast. Then it was packing, showering and getting ready to head off-island.

My reservation was for 5 pm, but I opted for an early exodus, and got in the stand-by line at 11:30 am. There wasn't room on the noon ferry, so I read a big chunk of "A Tramp Abroad". As a result, because I drive a Honda Civic, mine was the only car that would fit on the 1:15, and I got to cut in front of many SUVs - HAHAHA!

It was a nice drive home. My box of books from Amazon was waiting for me when I walked in, and Sabrino was ecstatic that I was back from being gone for over 54 hours. My cat is the best. He sat on my lap for awhile, and later, when I unpacked my suitcase he spent a good thirty minutes happily rolling around on one of the shirts I had on during my trip. I love him so much!

I spent the rest of the day emptying my DVR, catching up online, and then watching tonight's shows.

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