Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Resolution Proposition Declaration

I am not going to make any definitive resolutions on paper this year. If there is one thing I know about myself, it is that when I make resolutions, I sometimes break them out of spite. The kind of spite that says, "I don't care who tells me what I should do at any given time and/or place, I refuse to do it," even if that person is ME. I've had success in the past, but the less I write down (frequencies, beginning and end dates, quantities, etc...), the more I seem to achieve.

I've had this approach in mind ever since I left my job in October. I began to work out and draw more in November, and in December I truly ramped it up on both fronts. I worked out 11 times in December, and I drew something on at least that many days. January is 7 days old, and I already have two workouts and a rigorous snow-shoveling, plus three drawings and a hand-drawn calendar (see below) on paper.

So in the spirit of positive growth, yet without quantifying anything, I will say the following:

I will work out more, eat healthier, be more creative visually, be more social, and produce a fifth music festival in 2014. That is all.

Update (end of the month): The filled in calendar!

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