Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

I got up at six for a 7:20 tee time with Dad, Kevin and Jon at Templewood Golf Course. It was a sunny dry day, and we all had a blast. Jon had to leave halfway through for the twins' soccer playoff; Dad & Kevin kicked butt all day; and I had a few really good putts, but my long game was off all day (topping, woods, etc...). It was four hours of good exercise.

Ma made fried chicken for lunch, so we hung around there until 2 pm, and after I drove Kevin home, I hung around his house until 3:30.

Friday, June 6, 2014

MQ 2014 - Two: Mt. Wachusett

I needed to get out of the house, so after a quick dash to the comic shop to spend the $50 gift certificate Kevin gave me a few weeks ago, I drove over to Mt. Wachusett for a hike.

I began at the Echo Lake Trail, passed the lake, hiked up, transferred over to the High Meadow Trail, passed the meadow, and kept going until the humidity (and the thought of a late lunch) made up my mind not to finish the ascent. So basically it was an hour of walking up and down a relatively steep trail. I listened to the music of Abbie Barrett on the way down. It was a worthy interlude in my day.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sunday, June 1, 2014


I keep track of a few things each month that in my mind are a sign of being productive:

Worked Out:
  • April - 11 days
  • May - 10 days
  • April - 1
  • May - 0
Other Physical Activity (walking long-distance other than a hike, shoveling snow, kayaking, etc...):
  • April - 2
  • May - 3
Books Read (both: novels, and collected series/graphic novels):
  • April - 4 books
  • May - 7 books
Not bad. Ideally I would work out every other day, but 3 times a week is fine (12), plus hikes and other activity thrown in. I would like to average 2 hikes per month. Back in 2011 I went on 14 hikes, all within the months of September - December! 

A book a week is good. I also try to draw (or do something visually creative) as much as possible. January - March were very prolific, and April wasn't bad, but last month was pretty weak. I read more than I drew.

Spring Fever is nearly over. Time for Summer Fun!