Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Ten Resolutions for 2012

I have decided to make a list of ten resolutions for the new year (in no particular order):
  • Produce Wyman's Pond Music Fest III.
  • Climb at least 30 mountains in at least 6 states ("Mountain Quest 2012").
  • Spend at least one night on each of three different islands.
  • Lose another 20 pounds ( I dropped 20 two years ago and have kept them off).
  • Get paid for my artwork.
  • Visit another country.
  • See at least ten live shows besides WPMF III.
  • Be able to play five songs extremely well on my guitar.
  • Put at least $2,000 into a Roth IRA.
  • Put at least $2,500 into an emergency fund.
I'll update this post in the 'comments' section and change the color of the print from black as I complete each item. Wish me luck, and if you wander past here, feel free to let me know if you've achieved any of your 2012 goals.

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