Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Road Less Traveled

Route 3 was its typical cluster fv¢# today, so instead of driving up onto it for my commute home, I bypassed it and went via Route 62 West instead. What a great drive! It was rainy and grey, but I had my window down with the amazing WZBC playing (among other things, songs by My Bloody Valentine and Thievery Corporation), and there was NO traffic all the way to Route 2 West. And by the time I got onto that familar highway, there was no traffic to speak of there either. The rush hour drive home was fantastic.

I foodshopped when I got to my neighborhood, and I also grabbed a half gallon growler of Opa-Opa IPA and a four-pack of a new (to me) beer called Double-Wide IPA from the Boulevard Brewing Company in Kansas City, MO. Dinner was four fried chicken wings that Ma dropped off on Sunday, with corn bread and a glass of birch beer soda. Add all that to a decent work day, and this rainy Tuesday wasn't half bad...

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