Thursday, September 27, 2012


I snagged a pair of Levi's 501 Buttonfly original "Shrink to Fit" Jeans over the weekend for the amazingly low price of $28.80. They arrived in the mail today, and I will commence with the long-term 'breaking in' this weekend!

Monday, September 24, 2012

New Music Monday

I bought some new music today:
  • The new album from Saint Etienne "Words and Music By Saint Etienne" (I will be seeing them live at The Paradise on Saturday 10/27).
  • The "Food" 2-song single by The Lovely Eggs.
  • And "Mr. Dolphin" by Pale Saints, an album I didn't even know existed! I'm so happy about this one...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day Three: The Mountain and The Guitar

Most of today passed by pretty unfocused. But I decided around halftime of the Patriots' sorry loss to the Cardinals that I would hike up Mount Wachusett, and kickstart the rest of "Mountain Quest 2012". I decided to go up via the West Side Trail as far as I could, and then finish with the Indian Head Trail. I got to break in my new hiking boots (resulting in a blood blister on the outside of my left big toe), and my new iPod nano as well (my descent was accompanied by the amazing album "All My Lovely Goners" by Winterpills). It took me an hour to ascend, and about 45 minutes to get back down, with a ten minute break at the somewhat crowded summit. I arrived at the top to find the new watch tower finally completed, which was cool, but the overly-loud 'expert' pointing out & naming all of the surrounding peaks to his companion was most definitely not. It was a great day.

When I got home, I ate the half chicken, corn bread and mac & cheese I picked up from Boston Market (now I know why I haven't gotten food there since 1999: lame service, and the rotisserie chicken at Hannaford blows BM's away!). Then it was "Date Night" (Carrell & Fey) and "The Great Food Truck Race", before breaking out my guitar to retune it, and mess around with it for a bit.

Day Two: The Theater and The Library

I slept in, and then had coffee and cold pizza for breakfast. I watched a very good movie, "Friends With Kids", starring Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt (who wrote and directed the film too). Lunch was the rest of the cold pizza, and I did a lot of online reading and window shopping. In the afternoon I went to my local comic shop, and I did a thorough foodshop as well. Supper was hot dogs and chips; I had a pretty decent Lost Continent Double IPA; I watched the season premiere of "Saturday Night Live" (Seth MacFarlane hosted: "Listen, Bro Turkey!"); and I fell asleep around 3 am after finishing "Lord Hornblower". A great low-key day.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Day One: The Studio and The Lake

I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 am last night because I was busy inking a drawing for the group blog Back to Drawing Bored. And when I awoke at 8:15 or so this morning, I decided to get this 4-day span of days off to an early start.

Breakfast was coffee (Sumatran of course) and cereal, and after a bit of tv as I ate, I spent several hours "Kirbying up" (blocky black inks) the drawing. I shaved my head as I goofed around online, so I would be all shiny for the rest of the weekend, and after a late lunch of Mandarin oranges and reheated chicken fried rice, I showered.

Then it was off to the lake! I spent three hours in the following ways: I did some raking and removal of rain debris; I read "Lord Hornblower"; I finished the inking and then most of the coloring of the drawing; and I took many photos. I had a Granny Smith apple after my one beer (the always dependable Magic Hat #9), and decided to not do two planned things: swim, and try the Lost Continent Double IPA (some other time!). IPod music was supplied by Sun Sister.

When I got home I ordered a pepperoni, mushroom and anchovy pizza from Liberty Pizza (the best!), and after eating half of it in front of some sports tv, I fell asleep in my big chair from 9 - 11 pm.

4 Days Off

I have the next four days off in a row: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Big IPAs

I bought three large bottles of various local India Pale Ales today on the way home from work. I will utilize them in a taste test of some sort soon, either here or on Not Lame Minus .

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Great Afteroon

I spent a few hours (4:30 - 7 pm) down at the lake today. I drew, read, swam/floated, listened to music (Almanac Mountain and Eastern Sun), and took a lot of pictures. It was awesome.