Friday, September 14, 2012

Day One: The Studio and The Lake

I didn't get to sleep until 4:30 am last night because I was busy inking a drawing for the group blog Back to Drawing Bored. And when I awoke at 8:15 or so this morning, I decided to get this 4-day span of days off to an early start.

Breakfast was coffee (Sumatran of course) and cereal, and after a bit of tv as I ate, I spent several hours "Kirbying up" (blocky black inks) the drawing. I shaved my head as I goofed around online, so I would be all shiny for the rest of the weekend, and after a late lunch of Mandarin oranges and reheated chicken fried rice, I showered.

Then it was off to the lake! I spent three hours in the following ways: I did some raking and removal of rain debris; I read "Lord Hornblower"; I finished the inking and then most of the coloring of the drawing; and I took many photos. I had a Granny Smith apple after my one beer (the always dependable Magic Hat #9), and decided to not do two planned things: swim, and try the Lost Continent Double IPA (some other time!). IPod music was supplied by Sun Sister.

When I got home I ordered a pepperoni, mushroom and anchovy pizza from Liberty Pizza (the best!), and after eating half of it in front of some sports tv, I fell asleep in my big chair from 9 - 11 pm.

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