Friday, July 26, 2013

July Interlude: Day 5

I slept in until 10 again. Breakfast was Mandarin oranges, a corn muffin and coffee. Lunch was half a pepperoni & mushroom pizza and Pepsi. I drew (see below). And at 6 pm I showered, and then ran a bunch of errands: comic shop, ATM ( I got my 3 mileage checks all in one - $260!), foodshopping, and the liquor store for a 6-pack of Smuttynose Old Brown Dog for tomorrow. I talked to/left messages for the following on the phone about tomorrow's Music Fest: Kevin, Sarah, Keith, Erik and Jay.

I watched a lot of surfing later in the evening (up until 10 pm). Kelly Slater beat Mick Fanning at Cloud Break in Fiji. Then I cleaned the burners on the stove (good soaking, then rub-down). And last, but definitely not least, at 11:30 I worked out. It felt great.

July Interlude: Day 4

Today began as a day of sloth, and ended with a lot of action.

I had coffee & Pop-Tarts for breakfast, after walking across the street to buy ½ & ½. I watched "Gangster Squad" (pretty good). I built 2/3 of my Y-Wing LEGO kit. I drew a demon fairy. I had McDonald's for a late lunch after bringing Sabrino to his check-up (so far, so good!). I watched sports TV (surfing in Fiji, and "ATH" & "PTI").

And then at 8:30 pm I shaved & showered, and headed out to the Gardner Ale House to hang out with Mike, Pete, Jim, Dave, Ann, Nicki, Randi, Robert and Kim. What a blast. Our short haired blonde waitress was a sweetheart and hot, and I had the lobster quesadilla and four of the house XSB beers. There was live music -Audio Wasabi, with Johnny Snowpants and "Summer Songs. I am so glad I went.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July Interlude: Day 3

Not a lot going on today:

I did manage to shave my head, and read a trade paperback ("X-Men: Supernovas"), plus neaten things up a bit around the apartment. I ordered out for a double bacon cheeseburger deluxe for supper. Sabrino was obsessed with the mouse in the walls. And I added some music to my iPod Nano, including the remastered version of "Explorations" by Bill Evans Trio.

Oh yeah, and I did some drawing, and had a beer too:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July Interlude: Day 2

I slept in until 10:30. Breakfast was cereal & coffee. I watched a trippy episode of "Falling Skies" (S3/E8), and then hung out online for awhile. It rained all morning, and hard.

I got Chinese for a late lunch/early supper - chicken wings, chicken fingers, and pork fried rice. I watched "A Good Day to Die Hard" (not bad...) and then  "ATH" & "PTI", while organizing one of my two large bookcases, and reading a cool comic anthology from Image called "Dia de los Muertos". I did laundry and dishes too, and i drew off and on (doodling, mostly).

I was going to go into Boston to hang out with Jay at TOAD, and see Abbie Barrett and her band perform, but I was still recovering from the last few days' malady (headache, sore throat, stuffy and/or leaky nose, etc...), but I stayed home, and got the aforementioned done.

Monday, July 22, 2013

July Interlude: Day 1

8 am Breakfast: a plum, a bowl of shredded wheat, and half a cup of coffee.

9 am to 1-ish pm: Work, and then it was a fantastic commute home, with a stop at my longtime local comic shop.

3 pm Lunch: cold fried clam strips & half a Pepsi, as I read several of the comics I bought, and watched "Restaurant Impossible" and "Bar Rescue". Then I read the latest issue of "Wired" magazine and watched "ATH" and "PTI" on ESPN.

7 pm Online Time: Listening to a new CD that arrived in the mail: Sansyou "When We Become Ghosts". I spent the extra dollar for the physical copy when I bought the digital version on Bandcamp. Lee cancelled for her slot at WPMF4. I'm looking for a replacement via Twitter. I added lots of new music to my iPod (well, mostly from my CDs).

10 pm TV and more comics: I read a big chunk of the comics I bought, and I watched "Friends" and "How I Met Your Mother" reruns until midnight...

Monday, July 15, 2013


I haven't had a regular doctor since before the millennium, and I haven't had a physical since 2004.

Today went great: BP 126/74, and nothing else wrong except the extra pounds.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Half New Year

I am going to treat today, Monday July 1st,
as the 'new' New Year, and hit the ground running
with a new round of resolutions...

On the agenda of half-year resolutions/behavior mods:
  • See three live music shows besides my WPMF4.
  • Lose 20 pounds minimum by Christmas (I am at 258 as of this morning, thank god I am 6'3"...).
  • Hang out with Darren, Keith, and cousin Jeff by the end of the year.
  • Learn ONE song with confidence on my guitar.
  • Start dating again. I'm tired of being alone, though it's been by choice.
  • Get paid for some artistic endeavor.
  • Save $2,000.
Let the self-improvement begin anew!