Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Half New Year

I am going to treat today, Monday July 1st,
as the 'new' New Year, and hit the ground running
with a new round of resolutions...

On the agenda of half-year resolutions/behavior mods:
  • See three live music shows besides my WPMF4.
  • Lose 20 pounds minimum by Christmas (I am at 258 as of this morning, thank god I am 6'3"...).
  • Hang out with Darren, Keith, and cousin Jeff by the end of the year.
  • Learn ONE song with confidence on my guitar.
  • Start dating again. I'm tired of being alone, though it's been by choice.
  • Get paid for some artistic endeavor.
  • Save $2,000.
Let the self-improvement begin anew!


  1. One week in:
    Weight - 255
    Junk food - minimal! (Chinese food, 2 sodas)
    Workouts - 2 x lift

  2. Two weeks in:
    Weight - 255
    Junk food - almost minimal (Chinese food, pizza, soda)
    Workouts - lots of walking

    Also: I had my first physical in 9 years, and everything is fine.
