Friday, March 28, 2014

Steak & Beer

I don't drink when I am not with friends (I just don't love it enough to make it a daily occurrence), but occasionally I like a beer with supper.

So last night I cooked a steak with salt & pepper, buttered up some crusty bread, and sliced a tomato, and ate them with a Wachusett Imperial Black IPA. Great beer (though I only drank half of a pint), and an even better steak.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Unda Da Sea ♫

I drew this yesterday while drawing with my nieces Jackie, Helena and Georgia
at my brother Kevin's house.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Steak & Eggs

I salted & peppered a steak (both sides) and let it sit for about 90 minutes. I scrambled 3 eggs (salt, pepper, a little 1% milk, in a slightly-buttered nonstick pan). I sliced up a tomato. I buttered 2 slices of bread. I filled a pint glass with ice water, and a smaller glass with the last of my orange juice. I cooked the steak medium-well.

I ate...

Friday, March 14, 2014

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cheeseburger Madness

I never cook cheeseburgers at home. It's too much work to feed just one person, and all of the grease, smoke, etc... make it an unappealing endeavor 364 days of the year.

Today I used 93% lean ground beef with salt & pepper between butter-grilled slices of Vermont Bread Company whole wheat bread (no high fructose corn syrup!), added aged cheddar, sliced tomatoes, pickles and a spreading of mayo. It may not be pretty, but I wound up eating the best cheeseburger I've had in ages:

Saturday, March 1, 2014

March Method

This weekend I am gearing up toward a solid routine beginning on Monday.

I've been working out on a regular basis since early November, and drawing as much as possible. Now it's time to do even more. I am going to draw and/or write every day. I am going to sit down and figure out the second half of my life. And I am going back on the South Beach diet.

I have the exercise down (my arms and shoulders are more solid than they have ever been), and when it gets warm out the hikes and other outdoor activities will ramp it up even more, but the caloric intake needs to be regulated, and with the help of South Beach (again), reset. The next two weeks will contain NONE of the following: sugar, fruits, grains, alcohol (no biggie), ice cream, ½&½, or fancy (fatty) meats.

My biggest dream is to design (and have built) a house. I just need to figure out the most efficient way to make it happen.

P.S: Here are the last 2 days' drawings:

Yeah, this guy again...

Wyman's Pond Music Fest 5