Monday, September 28, 2015

Mute Math

I arrived at Alewife at 5:45.

I rode the Red Line and the Green Line, getting off at Coolidge Corner
to have dinner with Brian at the Coolidge Corner Clubhouse.
I had an amazing Harpoon Imperial Pumpkin Ale. It was so strong (10.5% abv), 
that I could feel it after just a few sips.

Then it was a steak wrap (very good) and a Goose Island IPA
what a great beer, super hoppy!

After that we walked the mile to Great Scott in Allston to see Mute Math.
The doorman was a humorless ass.
The opening act was a DJ named Quiet Entertainer. He was cool, and the set was mostly good, 
with some amazing highs and some sound-tech issue lows.

Mute Math kicked ass.
It was just as powerful and frenetic and bass-heavy as I'd remembered 
from the previous two times I've seen them live.

The old songs were great, the middle stuff was good, and the 
new stuff was pretty decent as well.
A great show.

Friday, September 25, 2015

MQ 2015 No.1

At 3:30 pm today (Friday) I headed over to Mount Wachusett to hike the Harrington Trail.

It was a perfect day, dry and cool. The hike took about 45 minutes from car to summit, and for a first hike of the season, it went amazingly well (most likely because I am 30 pounds lighter than I was last year at this time). At the summit I ate a white chocolate Kit-Kat and took a few photos. The trip down was about 30 minutes. I listened to Author and Pete Yorn.

Then I went to the lake to soak the pair of custom selvage jeans I got from Brave Star last year. I got into the inner tube with nothing but the jeans, and floated in the middle of the lake for about a half hour. They didn't dry before I left, though because it was too late in the day, so I left them in the trunk of my car until Sunday, when I washed them, and wore them damp for several hours.

It was a great day.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ah, The Lake

After sleeping in 'til noon, I spent the afternoon doing random household chores. I also cooked 2 boneless pork chops and some broccoli mac & cheese for lunch. Then it was off to the lake from 5:30 to 7:00.

A nice time of floating and drinking a pineapple Goya soda, and then listening to new songs as I reread a JLA graphic novel. I foodshopped on the way home, too. What a great 2 days off...

Beach and Brewery and Bros

I decided to head up to New Hampshire to hang out with my old friends on a Friday night.

I left the house at 3 pm, and headed for Hampton Beach. The traffic was so bad on 495 North, that it took me two hours for what would normally be about a 75-minute drive. But once I hit the sand, and the salt air hit my nose, I didn't care anymore. I took a few photos (including one of "LEGO Ken" holding a 'Hi Miss K! ♥' flag, which I messaged to Karley), and then hung out in the surf for a half hour, swimming, floating, and just enjoying the feel (and taste) of the Atlantic Ocean.

At 6:15 I headed to the Red Hook Brewery to meet the guys for beer and food. First, I changed in the car, and then I went to the bathroom to wash the sunscreen and salt water off my hands and face. I got an ESB at the bar, and bought Erik a beer too when he walked in 2 minutes later. Brian showed up soon after, I snagged him a beer, and then we got a table. Chris showed up about 30 minutes later, and we all shared tortilla chips & salsa and some cheese quesadillas. Brian's girlfriend Jackie arrived later, and Rob soon after, and I had a crappy burger and chips, Brian got the mac & cheese, Erik snagged some buffalo tenders, and Chris got some nachos.

After we settled our bill, we all got in our various cars (minus Jackie), and drove over to Chris' 3rd-story apartment in Exeter. Brian & I walked to Gerry's Variety for beer, and then we all hung out til around one am, drinking beer, reminiscing about old times (Barnes & Noble, music, ex girlfriends, etc...).

I drove home with the stereo blasting either WXGR or my current favorite pop songs, and arrived home at 2:30 am, a very happy guy, for having spent an evening with 4 of my best friends.