Friday, September 25, 2015

MQ 2015 No.1

At 3:30 pm today (Friday) I headed over to Mount Wachusett to hike the Harrington Trail.

It was a perfect day, dry and cool. The hike took about 45 minutes from car to summit, and for a first hike of the season, it went amazingly well (most likely because I am 30 pounds lighter than I was last year at this time). At the summit I ate a white chocolate Kit-Kat and took a few photos. The trip down was about 30 minutes. I listened to Author and Pete Yorn.

Then I went to the lake to soak the pair of custom selvage jeans I got from Brave Star last year. I got into the inner tube with nothing but the jeans, and floated in the middle of the lake for about a half hour. They didn't dry before I left, though because it was too late in the day, so I left them in the trunk of my car until Sunday, when I washed them, and wore them damp for several hours.

It was a great day.

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