Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day of Slack

I have today and tomorrow off, and beforehand I made a list of things I wanted to do and/or accomplish. Due to the rain and a general lack of motivation (it's called a day off for a reason!) as of 5:30 pm I have spent this first day in the following ways: planted in front of the televison and this screen; in my big chair reading (and dozing - I only got 5 hours of sleep last night); buying the next 3 Alan Lewrie Naval Adventures books that follow "A King's Trade" and POPGUN #1; downloading a free album by The Sorry Shop; drinking a lot of coffee; and eating some not-so-good Chinese food from a place that shall not be named to spare the "under new management" place any embarrassment.

11:30 pm update: More online time-killing; I cleaned off my art table; I watched my DVR'ed shows ("Around the Horn", "Whitney", "Survivor" and "Happy Endings"); had more coffee; ordered two custom 15 oz coffee mugs from eCustom; and did other miscellaneous Spring Cleaning. The clutter is steadily going away...

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