Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November Year's Resolutions

Yep, not 'New Year's Resolutions'. I need to get things on track, so I am making a list of things to work on in November beginning tomorrow (actually today):

  • Visit more: I haven't seen some friends in over a year, and that's just wrong, no matter how busy everyone is. I want to get up to Portsmouth to hang out with Brian, Rob, Erik and Chris. I want to get into Boston to hang out with Jay and/or Gavin. And I want to hang out with Mike and Keith around these parts as well.
  • Family Fun: I haven't seen Kevin in a long time (his fault mostly), so I will drop by on the next Sunday I happen to have off. I used to spend one day a week on average at Sarah's house when I was unemployed. I haven't been there since summer. And I will call Jason to gab with him and the kids at least once, since the likelihood of getting to California in the next 30 days is marginal at best (haha). Plus: at least two visits to Dad & Ma's.
  • Exercise: I have had some success with this over the last two months. I added two hikes to "Mountain Quest 2012"; and I worked out ten times. I want to ramp that up to two hikes this month alone, and I will do my best to lift 3 times each week (except for maybe the week of Thanksgiving/Black Friday/my birthday).
  • Eat Smarter: I need to stop eating after 7 pm, whether I work the day shift or not. And I need to quit the coffee in the afternoon as well. Plus, no Chinese or pizza delivered to my home! It's back to South Beach, as much as is practical with my schedule.
  • Get rid of clutter: My apartment needs to be reorganized top to bottom. I will jettison anything I do not need. I will get rid of clothing that is useless. I will rearrange the place to be more conducive to artistic endeavors. And I will winnow my comics collection to a more manageable size.
I will update every weekend until the month ends, including this weekend, even though it's only three days away.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Dad & Ma, AND Jason (he was home on a business trip) on Thursday the 15th; I've worked out twice (weak!); I've had Chinese once and only had coffee late a few times; and i am slowly weeding out unnecessary items in my world of personal belongings. I definitely need to thin out my comics...
