Friday, October 5, 2012

Offtober Day 1

I have the next six days off!

Today has been a 'sit around' day. I've watched tv, read, and played games online, in a random rotation all day. I got chinese food for lunch. I've pondered getting outdoors for some kind of activity, but it's already 4 pm, and it doesn't look likely at this point (haha).

Things I want to do before I head back to work next Thursday:
  • Break in my new 501 Original jeans.
  • Go on at least one hike.
  • Leave Massachusetts for at least one day.
  • Paint.
  • Contribute to my new shared art blog, Balsa Wood Tree House, at least twice.
  • Practice my guitar.
I'll keep you posted!

10:30 pm addendum: I got off my ass around 8:30 and showered, threw in my contacts, and jumped into the aforementioned 501's. I went foodshopping, and filled my fridge for vacation culinary satisfaction. When I got home I: changed out Mr. Ween's litter box; deleted & added songs to my iPod nano; did laundry; taste-tested a beer; and stayed up late doing creative junk.

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