Thursday, December 25, 2014

Early Resolutions


I think my two biggest New Year Resolutions for 2015 are going to be:

  • A) truly honing my drawing skills (I want to get better with shading and line thicknesses).
  • B) finally putting major work into learning to play the guitar I bought back in 2009.
The rest of my usual resolutions (lose weight, go to many live music performances, travel more, etc...) will have to manifest of their own accord...

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thanksgiving Inertia

When the calendar hits November...

...all the turkey can do it wait.

October Drawings

From last month:

Jack O'Lantern


Orange Sleestak

Friday, October 3, 2014

MQ 2014 - Six: Winn Mountain

It was dry, sunny and cool throughout my hike. I went up for 90 minutes, following the scant instructions I'd printed off the internet, but I never found the way to the summit.

It was still a very enjoyable walk, with lots of ups and downs on the untended trail. There were more horseshoe tracks than human tracks (and far too many piles of old dog crap) during the first half hour of the ascent. There were several wide open vistas with great views. There were deep dry river beds (or perhaps old wagon trails, the gullies could have been deep tracks). There were big birch trees fallen everywhere. The way back down was about an hour, though to say "up" or "down" is misleading, as a lot of the hike was in an around-the-mountain direction.

Someday I'll return with better trail information, because all of the photos I've seen of the various summit views are amazing.

Beginning of the trail up (road).

At the first open space (trail back down to right).

Approaching the steep part. Reminded me of "Lost" for some reason.

My favorite kind of tree!

On the way down...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October Calendar

Every month I draw a calendar. I keep track of events, how many times I hike and/or work out, the books I read, and the art projects I complete.

Here is October's, which includes Ma's birthday, a potential hiking trip for me with old college chum Darren, and Dad & Ma's California trip.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


After spending all day holding him and sitting with him off and on yesterday, and heading off to bed last night hopeful for maybe just one more day, Sabrino didn't wake up this morning.

I am going to miss you SO much, buddy-boy...

Thursday, September 4, 2014

MQ 2014 - Four: Temple Mountain

The last time I hiked Temple Mountain was back in November of 2011. Back then I only made it to Holt Peak. This time I went farther...

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Jake on a Ledge

A "Jake Burlap" drawing (ballpoint pen). Scotland, 1927, during the solar eclipse. Colored version later, as well as the story, on his site!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

MQ 2014 - Three: Barrett Mountain

I climbed Barrett Mountain, part of the Wapack Trail, today from roughly 6:00 - 7:30 pm.

As I was putting on my socks and hiking boots in my car on the road near the Windblown Ski Area, I startled a flock of 20 or so wild turkeys!

I came upon a woman and her Lab retriever within the first few minutes, and after greeting both (and getting muddy from the dog), I continued up the trail. It was a great hike. I stopped frequently for photos and water, and to just look around. I saw a large hawk on the way up, and then again on my descent. Awesome.

At the summit I met an old man in his 70's who was a bit turned around. Apparently he had been hiking for the past 4 hours, having begun his walk at Mount Watatic! Talk about a motivator. I steered him in the right direction, and then ate an apple before beginning my descent, with the music of Cuushe playing on my iPod.

Notes: It was sunny, dry and in the 70's. The air smelled fantastic. I wore my Orijeans selvedge to break them in hard (my legs sweated like crazy today, and my they are still blue from 'denim dust'!). Hike times were 54 minutes up, and about a half-hour down.

What a day.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day Weekend - To Do List

A list of potential activities for this weekend:

I'll post an 'after' photo late Monday night or Tuesday morning.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Comics - Waning Superpowers

Last week I trimmed my pull list for comics from both DC and Marvel.

I had taken a nearly two-year break from marvel when they decided to blend all of the heroes from the X-Men and Avengers, thus removing the uniqueness of each group. But "All-New X-Men" brought me back. Meanwhile, DC went all 'New 52' on the world, and after supporting the endeavor for over two years, I've had far too many titles cancelled out from under me to continue with a 'hope for the best' outlook.

I find it amazing that my total buys will consist of more titles from Dark Horse, Image, Dynamite, etc... than the Big Two. So:

  • Aquaman
  • Aquaman and the Others
  • Flash
  • All-Star Western (soon to be finished)
  • All-New X-Men
  • Amazing X-Men
  • Uncanny X-Men
  • Cyclops
The rest: Five Ghosts, Starlight, Flash Gordon, Low, Doc Savage, Astro City (DC, but not really), Star Wars (ending soon at Dark Horse, bought out by Marvel), Velvet, Eerie, Creepy, Black Science, and Dark Horse Comics Presents.

DC will (perhaps) get me back when there is a new "Legion of Super-Heroes" book, and when the JLA goes back to the icons. Marvel will have to use a sieve on the Avengers books to weed out most of the non-traditional members if they want my dollars back.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Beer & Sunset

Lake 6 - 8 pm, floating with 2 red Hook ESBs!
The sky was nearly cloudless, and the temp was 88 degrees (but dry).

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sunset & Beer

Ballast Point Brewing Company's Sculpin IPA - SO good!
...and yet another amazing sunset down at the lake (the 2 photos were taken 15 minutes apart, 7:45 pm and 8:00 pm).

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Movie Time

I went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" in Gardner with Jason & Stacie & the kids, Sarah & the kids, Mom, and Jaymi & 2 of her kids, just as the skies opened for a downpour. It was pretty kick-ass. When we got home, Sawyer & I were drawing (as Cooper looked on), and I drew Groot from memory (no photo reference):

Friday, August 1, 2014

Red Sox Wednesdays

I went to the Red Sox-Blue Jays game on Wednesday with my family. Jason bought 25 tickets for: Dad & Ma, me, Kevin & Holly + 3 kids, Sarah & Jon + 4 kids, himself & Stacie + 3 kids, Jaymi & Chad + 3 kids, and his best friend Ted.

Ma drove Dad, me, and nephews Sawyer & Jared to the game. I had a random 2-minute chat about my Boneyard Surf Shop t-shirt with a cute girl on the walk into the stadium (her parents have a home on Martha's Vineyard). I had a blast, sitting on an end seat next to nephews Hayden & Cooper, and tweeting about the game with them, and nieces Ryan & Celia. I had a pretzel & a bottle of water early, and then later I fetched soft-serve ice cream cones for Dad, Ma & myself. Ma drove me & Dad home, and we arrived at midnight, with an amazing full-family memory for the ages in the books. Thanks Jason!